Saturday 10 June 2017


"In the last twenty-seven years of my life I’ve had a lot of communications with State and Federal agencies (not as a suspect) in more administrative and criminal investigations than I can remember.  Over these twenty-seven years I’ve learned that law enforcement agencies highly favor polygraph and voice-stress testing as investigative tools to test the credibility of their own staff, witnesses, suspects and those who aid them in investigations.  I’ve never been placed on a polygraph test over these years, but I have been administered voice-stress testing several times.  Also, over these last eighteen years of my life I’ve read several criminal cases where law enforcement agencies used these types of testing for investigative purposes.  Since Darren Rainey’s murder, I’ve asked the Dade County State Attorney’s Office, Miami-Dade Police Department, and Florida Department of Corrections several times to polygraph or voice-stress test me on the things I told them concerning Darren Rainey’s murder.  
These agencies consistently refused to do the foregoing, even though they each have the equipment to conduct said tests and the people trained in administering these tests.  In other words, they don’t have to hire somebody to administer these tests.  
Why do you think they consistently refused to polygraph or voice-stress test me concerning the things I told them about the Darren Rainey murder?  I believe they refused to do the foregoing because they knew beyond all doubt what I told them was the truth about Rainey’s murder and if they tested me, I’d be able to use the results from the test against them to push for a prosecution of those who killed Rainey.  
My 2013 FDC Inmate Grievances I filed on Rainey’s murder also document me asking to be polygraphed or voice-stress tested on what I said concerning Rainey’s murder.  Why didn’t these agencies polygraph or voice-stress test the Dade C.I. staff that killed Rainey and that were working on the night Rainey was killed?  I believe because these agencies knew those who killed Darren Rainey and the Dade C.I. staff that were working on the night Rainey was killed, were lying.  
Since these agencies have refused to polygraph or voice-stress test me, I’m asking for your help.  I believe if I can get anybody to polygraph or voice-stress test me, I can use the results of my testing, to further prove a cover-up, corruption and racism in the Darren Rainey murder case.  I’m absolutely positive I can pass a polygraph or voice-stress test concerning the things I said on the Darren Rainey murder.  If you’re reading this blog and you have the ability to polygraph or voice-stress test me, or arrange to have somebody administer one of these tests to me, will you please contact my friend Jeremy who manages this blog and tell him you’d like to help me with this matter?  Because I’m in prison, I have several restrictions placed on me.  Any law enforcement or State or Federal agency can administer one of these tests to me.  The only other people who can obtain authorization to have one of these tests administered to me are private investigators or contractors, lawyers and the media.  With the proper paperwork, any person can hire a private investigator or contractor to administer one of these tests to me.  If you can help me, I’d really appreciate it.  Also, if you can help me, think about your help as being a way of aiding in the fight for justice for the murder of Darren Rainey and as a way of aiding in the fight for the value of life.  The people I personally know and I, can’t make arrangements to have me receive one of these tests, because if we paid for me to receive one of these tests, people could say the person who gave me the test was bias in favor of my view of things.  I want an unbias tester to administer me one of these tests.  Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you believe would like to join us in our fight for the value of life.  Please sign our petition on entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONER DARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER."

Harold Hempstead, a.k.a. ‘The Caged Crusader,’ May Day (1st of May) 2017, Tennessee Department of Corrections, USA.
Criminal justice regularly uses current technology to prove or disprove allegations in criminal investigations.  Sometimes the use of such technology can be controversial, as in the numerous cases of falsified human DNA evidence that has been used by Florida’s various corrupted agencies to send innocent people to their deaths - often fitted up by the police to ‘solve’ murder cases.  
One form of technology that is remarkably reliable and valid however is the polygraph or so called ‘lie-detector’ test.  When the key-witness in an ultra-controversial state-killing asks for the opportunity to prove the truth of his testimony, using the hardware that the tax-payers have entrusted the police and other authorities to use in the pursuit of justice - shouldn’t those authorities either jump at the chance to prove Harold Hempstead a liar (as they have gone to great lengths to impute) or prove him a true witness and start acting on the evidence he has risked his life for years to reveal?
To deny this avenue of truth and justice to the key-witness in a state-homicide is highly egregious and suspicious and this alone should arouse deep dismay and misgivings amongst those concerned with justice;  but when you add this fact to the ever-growing mountain of similar facts, observations and witnessings from Harold Hempstead, that are accumulating on his blog-site, I am left with one glaring conclusion - the state effectively tortured Darren Rainey to death and the state is now desperately trying to conceal, bury and deny the truth about Florida Department of Corrections - the systemic torture, the policy of starvation unto death,  the super-heated torture-chamber, the taunting of the most extremely mentally disturbed until they are driven to hang themselves as a better alternative to staying in the Dade C.I. Transitional ‘Care’ Unit…  in short, dear readers, the Crimes Against Humanity.

This case continues.

Jeremy Sch@nche
Kernow, 10.6.’17

1 comment:

Micheal Alexander said...

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