Saturday 11 February 2017

Petition 4 Justice Muslim Torture Death Florida DC Sauna

The torture/murder of the black Muslim convict Darren Rainey in a locked chamber of super-heated steam was the catalyst that launched Harold Hempstead’s crusade for truth and justice.  Unable to keep silent after witnessing this horrifically evil event, he has spent his time since the 23rd June, 2012 murder, writing countless letters to the authorities, the media and the human rights community.  The responses from the State have been belated, inadequate and evasive.  Four and a half years later, Rainey’s killers are still free. 

If you share Harold’s belief that all human lives matter, then please take action, sign the petition to the Department of Justice and Dade County State Attorney, and share it widely – do it in memory of Darren Rainey...  

....because all our lives matter.
Petition authored by Harold Hempstead, Florida's Caged Crusader.

There is now a site dedicated to Harold Hempstead’s mission to get justice for the murder of Darren Rainey and all the numerous human rights abuses that he’s testified to.  This is an evidence-based website where you can find a wealth of meticulously detailed legal information on the grievous issues with the Florida Department of Corrections.  The site is intended to grow into an archive revealing the truth about the foregoing and it is hoped that this has some value to the media, human rights organizations, law enforcement agencies and to the people. 
Due to the brutal conditions in FDC, Harold Hempstead and other inmates have suffered severe persecution for telling the truth about their experiences.  For most of us who perhaps take our free speech for granted, it’s a little easier to express our views.

Instead of just talking about what’s happening in America, follow the Caged Crusader’s site and start taking action…..

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